What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this study is to learn more about how the immune system responds to new and changing pathogens in people who are immunocompromised. Pathogens are organisms that can cause disease, like bacteria and viruses. We are studying immune responses following certain infections and vaccinations.

The study does not provide vaccines, or clinical recommendations.

What does the study involve?
The study involves no in-person visits. Participants in the study will complete online surveys and collect blood and/or oral/nasal swabs following exposure, infection and/or vaccination. A professional would collect blood sample(s) at your home or you can go to a local lab. If you are interested in this study and would like more information, you may view the consent form here.

Who can join this study?

Immunocompromised Persons

You may join this study if you read and speak English, and have one or more of the following conditions:

  • You have received an organ transplant.
  • You have a chronic condition that requires immunosuppressive medication/therapy.
  • You have a primary or acquired immunodeficiency (i.e. an immunodeficiency you were born with or an immunodeficiency you developed over time).
  • You have been diagnosed with HIV.
  • You have end-stage kidney disease requiring dialysis.
  • You live with a person with one of these medical conditions and want to volunteer.

Healthy Comparators

  • You live with a participant that is already involved in the EPOC Study or
  • You are a close contact (meaning you are within 6 feet of this person for 15 minutes or more at least 4 days a week) of a participant already enrolled in the EPOC Study and
  • You are not an immunocompromised person

What will happen if I join this study?

If you would like to participate in this study, please access this short online form, where you will be able to review and sign the consent. Once you consent you will be able to access our eligibility form which contains the full study details. Your responses to this form will determine your eligibility. If you are eligible, then you will be asked to complete an enrollment form.


Enroll here IF YOU think you meet the healthy comparator requirements